Under the new guidelines, federal prosecutors are required to focus on eight enforcement priorities, including preventing marijuana distribution to minors, preventing drugged driving, stopping drug trafficking by gangs and cartels and forbidding the cultivation of marijuana on public lands. but I have to wonder if we just make it legal won't it interfere with profits for the gangs?? And being the pessimist I am, sounds like the cops could still decided to charge you if they word it right. So they say the government will not interfere with state who have legalized marijuana but will that hold true ?
King James I in 1619, ordered every colonist to grow 100 plants specifically for export. As early as 1853, recreational cannabis was listed as a "fashionable narcotic". There are studies that show marijuana does have medical benefits. In 1937 they made possession or transfer of cannabis illegal throughout the United States under federal law, excluding medical and industrial uses, in which an inexpensive excise tax was required. In 1978 the FDA set up a program to grow cannabis on a farm at the University of Mississippi and to distribute 300 cannabis cigarettes a month to a patient to treat his glaucoma. However, In 1992 George H. W. Bush discontinued the program after the patient tried to make AIDS patients eligible. So there is history to show even the federal Government knows it can be used to help medical conditions.
However they are still not moving forward to legalize it federally as a medication. So the question is why?
It is easy to grow, after all it was called weed for a reason. it has less side effect then almost all of the man made medications. No one has ever overdosed on marijuana..
Are they people who will use it as a gateway drug to harder more dangerous drugs? of course don't we do the same with prescription drugs? Is there a chance of more driving under the influences ? if they are gonna drive won't they do it under the influence of narcotics ?
So it better to fill our sick with chemicals (man made drugs) we have no clue how it will affect the body long term ? How many times do you open the web to see someone suing a drug company because their drug made them sicker? So why are we not using what the Earth has provided us with? Other herbs are used in helping us to keep us well. Makes me wonder who is afraid they will lose money if marijuana is used as a medication ? And it worries me that profit is in the way of our peoples health.

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