
Thursday, September 19, 2013

Anonymity Of Internet Is It Helping Or Hurting?

Almost everyone I know is either talking about a blog or thinking of writing a blog. Isn't it nice to live in a world where technology is readily available to almost everyone? For people like me who have little patient, this is a great way to listen to other peoples opinions. after all I can just stop reading it or even delete it from my system if they annoy me and no one ever needs to know. I don't have to worry about my mom's voice in my head saying "be polite or just don't say anything if you don't have anything nice to say". And my ADD doesn't upset anyone when I want to voice an opinion but wind up talking over them for fear I will forget my own thoughts. (In one on one conversation it still considered rude to jot down a note while they are still talking)

But is all this Anonymity making easier for us all to talk or harder? After all if I write a blog how do you even know if I have any clue what I am talking about??  How do you really know if I am a white witch or black christian ?
How many people read the Help or saw the movie and thought someone really did talk to all those black women? Or maybe you thought it was really written by a Southern black women??? How many still do not realize it is pure fiction and was written from a Southern white women's thoughts of how the blacks might have responded during that time?? I will be the first to say the writer made it seem believable. As a White women raised on the West Coast, who half her family was KKK, I thought it was true. I felt so betrayed when I turn to the last chapter only to learn the real identity of the writer :(

This reminds me of the old saying "do you believe everything you see on tv??" If we listen to the real experts on how blacks think and feel; what are we afraid we might find out? (Experts like black themselves) Why is it still so hard to get a true dialog going between the sexes , between the races, between the ages??? I would think the internet would be a great place to voice an opinion with out attacking or taking it personal. After all, I don't personal know the other person so why should I think they are personal attacking me? I realize there is still many subjects we are afraid to approach out of fear. but what are we afraid of ? The internet gives us a chance to not see race, religion or even sex why not use this to our advantage and get the talks started.

Today my daughter had bible study with two charming black women. They are new coming to our home and talking with her in ASL. This is giving her a chance to interact with others. This is great for her,despite the fact they have different religious beliefs then me, I am still able to talk to them about whites writing for blacks about blacks. IF an Seven day Adventist and a Pagan can have a race conversation without attacking each other why can't others? We are all still stuck on this planet together and more over some of us are stuck in this country together.

Living in a country that was based on freedom why can't we see when we are taking other people freedoms away? Why is a black gay transsexual man any less then a white straight man? Why is a Women still less important then a man? of course I don't think everyone think that there is a difference but there is still a hidden societal agreement in our media and other places that say we are not all equal. So now instead of coming out to their faces and saying it society say it in more subtle ways. I already know some of you have gone to the other extreme and said well if that is the case why have laws at all? I don't have all the answer and if I did what would be the point of starting a conversation with others? After all once we stop learning are we really living at all?

So I guess to sum up my thought that probably seem as jumble as my ADD by now.

Does it matter what place the one who start the conversation comes from? Does it matter more that I am white pretending to understand black after watching it from the outside or does it matter more that the conversation is/was started?

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